Round Lake Beach, IL (847) 223-1299


“I recommend First Steps for number of reasons. Clean Environment, Organized Classrooms, professional staff/teachers. Safety has been given a top priority for the kids. Absolutely Recommend First Steps to every parent.“


2 Year Olds (2 years to 3 years)

Our two year old room is another progression both developmentally, and curriculum wise from our toddler room. This room also receives breakfast, 2 snacks and a catered lunch. The curriculum is still basic however it is a little more advanced then the toddlers. In this classroom the children learn their numbers, days of the week, colors, shapes, weather as well as other basic building blocks of a developing curriculum. They also focus on art, fine motor, gross motor, language, music, dramatic play, science, math and manipulative toys. Also in this room we start to introduce potty training to your child. The classroom is set up with a bathroom in it, with a specialized smaller toilet that the children may feel less intimidated by the thought of going on the
Wednesday March 26, 2025