Round Lake Beach, IL (847) 223-1299


“The staff is very loving and does a wonderful job taking care of and teaching the kids. Both of my children love going to school there. I love the curriculum and the fact that my 2 1/2 year old can count to 10 in Spanish and 13 in English, idenitify all of his colors and shapes, and can identify over half of his letters“


About First Steps Nursery School

We believe that our children need to learn and develop at their own pace. This is evident by simply asking any parent, "At what age did your child begin to crawl? How many months did they crawl for? When did they begin walking?" Chances are these large gross motor developmental milestones varied between the children. Now imagine and ask about talking (language development), interaction with others (social development), and problem-solving (cognitive development). All too often we want to compare our children to our friends. Some of us feel elated when our child reaches a milestone earlier than normal. Other times we may question why other children achieve developmental milestones quicker than our own child.
Tuesday January 21, 2025